The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift
To many of us, the holidays mean gift-giving. Each year we vow that we will start early and dazzle everyone with our thoughtfulness and generosity. We obsess about who to buy for…“What would they like? Where can I get it? And how much money should I spend?”. Even with all this worry and effort, we often fail to find the perfect gift for that particular person. But, why?
Giving Thanks at Work
It’s that time of the year when we look at the calendar and say, “Is it Thanksgiving already?" And that thought leads to considering all the things we have to do. Shopping, cooking and traveling...
Importance of Play
When was the last time you played? If you can't remember what it is like to play, all you need to do is watch children at play for a few minutes to remember what it feels like to be completely free to move, laugh, and create with no particular goal in mind except to enjoy the moment.
Create Your Reality
Have you heard the phrase that you are the creator of your reality? This is not just some meaningless motivation statement.