Spring Cleaning for the Soul: Tackling Your Digital World
Springtime ushers in a symphony of change, not just in the natural world but within our own personal habitats—the spaces we inhabit and the corners we overlook. In the spirit of revival, "Spring Cleaning for the Soul: Declutter Your Space" reminds us that decluttering is more than a mere tidying task; it’s a renewal of our surroundings and, by extension, our mental landscapes. Embarking on this cleansing journey doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The act of selecting a single drawer to organize, or swapping out the heavy textiles of winter for lighter, airier fabrics, can catalyze a profound transformation in both our environments and our state of mind.
Spring Cleaning for the Soul
Dive into the art of self-renewal this spring, as we guide you through reflecting on life's pivotal questions and making room for growth. Unlock practical steps to declutter not just your home, but also your digital space and mental landscape.
Multitasking: Does It Really Help?
We think multitasking increases our efficiency and believe we are just as effective at doing two or three things simultaneously as doing only one. However, our high level of multitasking is a significant obstacle in developing and managing our attention. Read on for tips!
Choose Happiness
Most happiness research revolves around three primary sources of potential happiness: temperament and personality, life circumstances such as health and wealth, and our focus and choices. Learn more in this week’s blog.