Mindfulness is Not Just an Individual Practice
Most of us think of mindfulness as an individual experience. However, researchers have recently begun to explore a concept called social mindfulness. This concept expands the notion of mindfulness to include an awareness of how our actions and decisions impact others' decisions and available choices.
Multitasking: Does It Really Help?
We think multitasking increases our efficiency and believe we are just as effective at doing two or three things simultaneously as doing only one. However, our high level of multitasking is a significant obstacle in developing and managing our attention. Read on for tips!
What Does It Mean to Control Your Attention?
Find the tools to succeed in controlling your focus and attention in this week’s blog…
We Are Not Helpless
Accepting to live with the reality of ambiguity enhances our ability to deal with all possibilities and to confront sudden events with more confidence. Living with uncertainty helps us plan for today and tomorrow. Here are some coping strategies that can help (and some that won’t)…