Build Your Relaxation Response
Many of us push our minds and bodies to the limit, often at the expense of our physical and mental wellbeing. The response to our daily activities may include an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and an accelerated breathing rate. In this week’s blog we discover practices to effectively reduce stress.
Gratitude is Not Just for Thanksgiving
Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for what brings us joy, inspiration, meaning, and purpose. Feelings of appreciation can arise from a wide range of sources. Find out how to tap these sources here…
What Do You Want From Life?
“What do you want from life?” When faced with a question like this, many of us will say something like “happiness.” But what if we strove for “authenticity”, “wisdom”, “meaning” or “success”? Read all about it in this week’s blog!
Gratitude as a Habit
Recently, I saw a study that captured my attention because it aimed to understand the extent to which participants could establish a habit of gratitude thinking before sleeping (Lo & Leung, 2020). The researchers defined gratitude as an inclination to appreciate and savor daily events and experiences. Here is what the researchers found.