Can relaxation calm anxiety?
Relaxation techniques can be helpful in reducing levels of anxiety that occur from time to time. Anxiety might show up in one or more ways. Here’s when to use relaxation strategies to help anxiety, and when NOT to do it….
What feelings do you associate with relaxation?
When you think about taking time for yourself, do you feel guilty? While many of us have learned that pushing ourselves beyond our limits damages our physical and mental health, work performance, relationships, and overall satisfaction with life, we still believe that we do NOT have time to relax and replenish. However, the good news is that we can develop the ability to lower our stress levels and improve our health without taking a lot of time out of our day. Here’s more…
What are the benefits of relaxation?
Relaxation isn’t just about rest or enjoying your hobby or recreational activity. It’s about having a go-to relaxation practice that you can use on a regular basis. And it’s worth the effort. Take a look at just a few of the benefits.
What are the steps in relaxation?
To return our mind and body to a relaxed state takes an intentional effort. If not, our body and mind stay at a high level of alert, resulting in numerous damaging physical and mental effects. Here’s what to do…