Holiday Let Down
The excitement of the holidays is winding down, and we are back to our regular routine. It’s about now when we find that we aren’t as motivated by what’s ahead and might feel slightly down. Discover underlying reasons and tactics to make change in this week’s blog.
How Do You See the Future?
As we enter another new year, it is a good time to consider how we think about the future. Even if you are normally optimistic, getting caught up in daily challenges and seeing the world through negativism and pessimism is easy. Build your level of optimism in this week’s blog.
On-the-Go Mindfulness Practices
Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season is officially underway. With everything on our To-Do list, we often make time to handle the extra activities by letting go of self-care practices. Take a peek at this week’s blog for on-the-go daily practices, so self-care doesn’t get forgotten.
Build Up to Thanksgiving
Most people in the U.S. think of Thanksgiving as the official launch of the busy holiday season. This week, we are jolted into the reality that the year is ending, and we have too much to do. Find the gratitude tactics to help you cope in this week’s blog.