Mindful Eating and Weight Loss Drugs
The news is full of information about new weight loss drugs. And for many, this option for weight loss is lifesaving. Find out how having a healthy relationship food can go a long way to increasing the effectiveness of other tools.
Power of Why
Do you find that sometimes people don’t seem to respond to your requests – requests as simple as asking your children to pick up their toys or even as complicated as getting people at work to follow your directions? Focus on the why in this week’s blog!
Are You Ready to Thrive?
Gain the skills to thrive! Find some tools and tactics in this week’s blog!
Are You Working More?
Many of us are now working at home, saving hours of commuting time. Think about it, how much time are you saving each day? To find out just how much time we’re saving and what we’re doing with this time, researchers surveyed 10,000 Americans earlier this year. What they found out was quite interesting.