Want to Be Great at Remembering Names?
Are you impressed when someone you met just one time remembers your name? It seems quite special and rare. However, most people say they have a terrible memory with names. Here are some tricks to help you when going into new situations.
Declutter Your Mind
You know the feeling. You walk into a room and forget why you went there. Or, your mind goes blank mid-sentence. In other words, your mind gets overloaded and has reached its capacity. The ability to actively hold information for short periods in our minds is known as working memory. Here is what it looks like, and how you can “train” your working memory…
Having Memory Problems?
Do you find recently that you struggle to find words or names? Are you having trouble focusing, thinking, planning, and getting things done? If so, you are not alone. It is highly likely this is a result of pandemic-related stress. Let’s learn how mindfulness can help.